
Bus countries manage inventory: Lured strict principles of openness and transparency is

The bus system is to facilitate public servants work, improve the efficiency of a universal system, so countries are facing the problem of scientific management bus. Some countries strictly control the use of car expenses, strengthen the supervision and guidance of the bus approach worth learning from.

In order to reduce public expenditure, some countries have adopted strict control or reduce the number of buses equipped car range, control car costs and public expenditure.

In the UK, government vehicles under the jurisdiction of the Department of Transportation and courier Bureau, responsible for providing transportation services to government officials territory, providing document delivery services for all sectors. Furnish a car and driver for the Prime Minister and the Cabinet of Ministers can enjoy car treatment combined total of more than two dozen people. Vice-ministerial officials, if necessary, you can also enjoy ministerial vehicle service, but it should pay, equivalent to the council car. And transfer files using the car sector demand, must pay the appropriate fees to the government vehicles and courier Board annually.

In Japan, government vehicles within the department is divided into special vehicles and shared cars. Official number of major decisions based on how often the car to be equipped with car and other leadership numbers and organs of public activities. For example, Japan is responsible for the management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs official car use a total of more than 2,000 staff, has 52 official vehicles. Where 24 is the leading car, the other 28 are shared cart, the proportion less. Bureau-level car for the exclusive use of the above leadership, leadership can only be used when the performance of official duties, in principle, can not be handled by their private affairs. And the Deputy Minister of State may pick commute by car, and the next director general, only shuttle to the station, then take public transport to work.   (Baltimore Orioles Jersey)

In addition to controlling the bus number, but some countries in the form of legal provisions strictly regulate the use of the bus to avoid Gongjusiyong.

In Germany, as Secretary Federal Chancellor, Minister of State for the car can be equipped with a private and equipped with non-local unit personnel, but regulations required to pay a fee. General provisions for the use of official vehicles, if not official needs to work on the staff may not use the bus shuttle; not the unit who were not allowed to take no special reason, if they really need, subject to the approval of relevant departments, the rider must sign the disclaimer . The German government is per bus is equipped with a travel log book, record detailed information for each trip. Management departments will regularly check record book, and keep it for six years. Once violations, will be prosecuted in accordance with the relevant personnel responsibilities violation severity.

In Singapore, the bus with the same need to apply for registration, for illustration purposes. Therefore, the use of civil servants will not arbitrarily make unreasonable demands. Singapore is very strict anti-corruption system and become an important external factor limiting Gongjusiyong. Singapore in recent years, there have been high-level civil servants because they are cheap, false concierge expenses smashed jobs jail case. Because senior civil servants higher wages, do it more harm than good. Therefore, the ministers would rather open car, do not want small expenses incurred due to lack of separation of suspects.

             The Author: Michael
(2014 Stanley Cup All Star NBA/NFL jersey)

