
US-government-funded research and development of small companies into a model of Ebola antidote

The recent outbreak of Ebola virus in West Africa many countries, has claimed the lives of more than 2,000 people locally, but "life-saving drugs," is still not mature. In accelerating the development process, one only nine small American biopharmaceutical company become the world's Max Planck focus. The company is located in San Diego, California, is a small company founded in 2003. Funded by the U.S. government with the cooperation of the company around the Ebola drug development completed one of the few animal experiments.

Max Planck biopharmaceutical company has been able to make such an achievement, without the support of the U.S. government to prevent attacks on the relevant biochemical studies provide. Founded 11 years ago, the company has only one source of funds, that is the U.S. government. The company is the United States military's use of four laboratories, high-risk pathogens such as the Ebola virus can only operate at the highest safety level four laboratory. Aspects of childhood that such R & D model to control the spread of the risk of the virus, increasing the company's development and competitiveness. From the major aspects that also helps build national bio-security system.

Max Planck biopharmaceutical company innovation model, is just one of the many forms of the U.S. government to support small business development. After a long building, and now the United States around the small business development and innovation, the establishment of direct innovation support system, and efficient financial support systems and improve the social service system.

Direct innovation support system

To help small business technology innovation, the U.S. government launched a policy of direct support in three areas.

First, the financial subsidies. The U.S. government to meet the requirements of small enterprises to develop innovative activities to give special subsidies. Such as the U.S. Congress approved the implementation of the Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer Program (STTR). SBIR provides federal funding for research and development department must come up with 2.5% as a research and development project fund to finance market potential of small businesses. STTR also stipulates that federal agencies must come up with 0.3% of R & D funding for technology transfer projects to small businesses and non-profit research institutions to use. (Baltimore Orioles Jersey) 

Second, the tax benefits. Such as reducing the tax on investment in innovation, reduce income tax rates, the implementation of accelerated depreciation, companies increase the amount of research funding and other tax credits.

The third is to promote cooperation in political science research capacity. By STTR program, the Department of Defense, Department of Energy, the Ministry of Health, NASA and the National Science Foundation and other five departments, nonprofit research institutions and qualified small businesses closely linked to promoting technology and products from the laboratory transfer to market, promote scientific and technological achievements product commercialization. United States Government has also established a science and technology industrial park and business incubator, providing venues, capital and services provided by government agencies and small businesses for start-up stage and holding scientific research personnel, in order to promote scientific and technological achievements.

             The Author: Michael
(2014 Stanley Cup All Star NBA/NFL jersey)

